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Your Landscaping Specialists

We offer complete top soil and sod installation.  We also offer installation of various mulches, river stone and landscape rocks.


When you decide to install grass sod, you are making a significant investment in the look of your home.  New grass sod takes plenty of moisture to help insure it takes root.  Ensure your new grass side gets the moisture it needs to create a lush beautiful lawn.  By holding more water in the soil, you can save time and money on your new grass sod.

Shredded Cedar Mulch

Double shredded cedar bark, light reddish in colour.  Contains a high amount of wood fibre that mats very well.

  • ideal for slopes
  • Used mostly in tree beds or large landscape areas

Composted Pine Mulch

Rich in organics, dark in colour and retains moisture longer than other mulches.  Continues to decompose over time, slowly releasing nutrients back into the soil.  Improves soil’s friability and water retention.  An excellent soil conditioner.

Organic Soil Conditioner

  • Add to flower bed and vegetable gardens for an excellent source of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in a form readily available to the soil micro-organisms.
  • Ideal for heavy clay or sandy soil

Natural Screened Soil

  • Starting lawns to seed
  • Laying sod
  • Large landscaping projects
  • Flower beds

Mushroom Compost

Screened Top Soil

Sod Landscaping

Our Specialities

Complete Landscape & Maintenance
Flower Bed Walls
Retaining Walls
Patio Stones
Top Soil and Sod
Spring and Fall Cleanup